Following his highly-acclaimed three-season series Preacher, Dominic Cooper returns to the AMC network with his new spaghetti western series That Dirty Black Bag. As if plucked from the minds of such creative forces as Quentin Tarantino and Sergio Leoni, the series looks to embody the genre while depicting the darker side of the Old West. The synopsis further solidifies this intent:
The story describes the 8-day clash between Arthur McCoy (Played by Dominic Cooper), an incorruptible sheriff with a troubled past, and Red Bill (Played by Douglas Booth), an infamous, solitary bounty hunter known for decapitating his victims and stuffing their heads into a dirty black bag, because, as he puts it, "Heads weigh less than bodies." The drama echoes and pays homage to the classic spaghetti western, capturing the genre’s legendary irony while revolutionizing it in a modern way for new audiences. The series tells of bounty hunters, bandits and bloody vendettas, lonely souls driven by such great passions as faith, love, and revenge. In the world of That Dirty Black Bag, there are no heroes, nobody is invincible, and predators become the prey.
Cooper and Booth will be joined by other TV royalty such as Travis Fimmel (Vikings, Raised by Wolves) and Aidan Gillen (Game of Thrones). The eight-part series will premiere exclusively on AMC+ on March 10th. Check out the official trailer below:
Stay tuned!
I love a good western. I'm only now just hearing about this and it premiers tomorrow.
CIA? He's a big guy.