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Writer's pictureNicholas E. Lauer

TGS 2020: "Nioh 2" DLC Claw Weapon Revealed


Like the first Nioh game, this year's sequel Nioh 2 has been slowly releasing new DLC content that takes place after the events of the game's main story. The first DLC, The Tengu's Disciple, was released in July (The main game was released in March), saw the protagonist travel back in time to search for the previous holder of Sohayamaru, the sword the player acquires at the end of the game. Now, the second DLC, titled Darkness in the Capital, will become available next month on October 15th. Like the first DLC, this DLC will offer a new weapon for the player. While The Tengu's Disciple introduced its own new weapon type called the split-staff, Darkness in the Capital will introduce the new tekko-kagi, or ninja claw, weapon. The weapon will come along with its brutal moveset, making players able to execute quick attacks as well as perform certain moves such as an array of kicks, leaps, backflips, parries, and what looks like a grab move.

This past weekend there was a live stream from the Tokyo Games Show 2020 that teased it. The Nioh 2 excerpt that teases the new weapon can be seen below:

A third DLC is set to be released sometime in the future, following the pattern of DLC's that the first game had. Stay tuned!

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