For a guy who keeps saying that his next film is his last, Quentin Tarantino sure seems to have a lot of projects he wants to do. At the recent Rome Film Festival, he was was asked whether his 10th film could be the long-awaited Kill Bill Vol. 3, the director responded with a simple “Why not?”. However, at the same event he began speaking how while he might do that down the line, his next immediate project would be a multilingual Spaghetti Western. He described some of the basics of the idea in the below quote:
“It’s not like my next movie. It’s a piece of something else that I’m thinking about doing — and I’m not going to describe what it is. But part of this thing, there is supposed to be a Spaghetti Western in it. I’m looking forward to shooting that [thing] because it’s going to be really fun. Because I want to shoot it in the Spaghetti Western style where everybody’s speaking a different language. The Mexican Bandido is an Italian; the hero is an American; the bad sheriff is a German; the Mexican saloon girl is Israeli. And everybody is speaking a different language. And you [the actors] just know: OK, when he’s finished talking then I can talk.”
Interestingly, Tarantino himself gave a possible explanation why he could do both despite only having one film left on his 10 film quota. Essentially, he considers Kill Bill Vol.1 and Kill Bill Vol. 2 as one film, thus by his own admission, he has two films left. However, following the release of his Oscar-winning film Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood (in which he also released a novelization he wrote himself that expands on the story), Tarantino has teased a number of potential projects he might want to do. Is Tarantino talking himself into doing more than 10 films? We'll find out soon enough as he tends to release a movie every 3-4 years. His last film was released in 2019 which mean we could figure out Tarantino's endgame by 2023. Stay tuned!
He won't stop at 10. I don't know why people keep assuming he will. This fucker will keep making films as long as they keep getting funded.
He sure likes westerns