Following the mysterious, yet ominous teaser released yesterday, a new teaser has been released for season 4 of Stranger Things. While the first teaser gave almost nothing in terms of hints to the plot of the new season, this one sees the return of Matthew Modine's sinister scientist character, Dr. Martin Brenner (Matthew Modine).
Brenner was in charge of the psychokinetic experiments at the Hawkins National Laboratory that gave Eleven (Played by Millie Bobby Brown) her powers. While supposedly killed by the Demogorgon in the first season, it is hinted Brenner may be alive. The new teaser seems to indicate that season 4 may be the season he returns. Check it out below:
Despite the new season still being in production, the uptick in promotional material seems to indicate the show will be back sooner rather than later, though several co-stars believed it wouldn't hit Netflix until 2022. Stay tuned!
Season 1 was good. The rest was crap.