Set to debut at the Venice Film Festival on September 7th, the action Western film Old Henry will offer an emotional yet tense story about a widowed farmer named Henry (Played by Tim Blake Nelson)and his son who take in a mysterious, injured man with a satchel of cash. However, the farmer struggles with who to trust when a mysterious man is followed by a posse of men (claiming to be the law) come for the money. Defending against a siege of his homestead, the farmer reveals a talent for gunslinging that surprises everyone, calling his true identity into question even more so than the injured man the farmer is defending.
Today, the official trailer for the the film has been released, as well announcing that the film will be released in U.S. cinemas on October 11th (distributed by Shout Studios).
In addition, writer/director Potsy Ponciroli released a statement explaining their motivation in making the film along with the casting of Tim Blake Nelson in the titular lead:
I’ve had a love of westerns since I was a kid. The lawlessness of the unsettled Wild West has been romanticized and fueled stories of iconic characters for generations. Stories of heroes and villains. Good vs. evil on the most basic level. It’s a story I finally got a chance to tell with Old Henry. Old Henry is a “micro western” as Tim Blake Nelson likes to say. A small, simple tale set in an alternate timeline where an authentic, historical character plays in a fictional world. At its core, this is a story about a father and son. Nobody wants their kid to grow up and make the same mistakes they did. We shelter them and try our best to protect them from the mistakes of our past. It’s a story of redemption and forgiveness. It’s letting your child go out into the world and hoping you’ve raised them to know right from wrong. It’s all of those things… plus some badass gun fights.
Old Henry co-stars Stephen Dorff, Trace Adkins, Scott Haze, and Gavin Lewis.
No Brie Larson, no buch of well tanned people. That can't be a good movie. Oh wait...
I do love a good western. And I do like Tim Blake Nelson. Will watch.