Another French film besides Summer of 85 has released a trailer ahead of the film's release here in the states. Titled Les Nôtres, the film initially premiered at the Les Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma Festival in early 2020. The film, directed by Canadian filmmaker Jeanne Leblanc, the film takes a stab at teen pregnancy with a mystery element to it and a commentary on tight communities. The synopsis is as follows:
To the tight-knit community of Sainte-Adeline, Quebec, Magalie (Played by Émilie Bierre) appears as a normal suburban high school sophomore surrounded by friends. But this popular teenage girl is harboring a shocking secret: she’s pregnant. When Magalie refuses to identify the father, suspicions among the townsfolk come to a boiling point, and the layers of a carefully maintained social varnish eventually crack.
Ahead of it's release on VOD and in theaters on June 18th, Oscilloscope Laboratories (the studio behind the film) have released the official trailer. Check it out below:
Stay tuned!