Serving as their 60th animated feature film, Walt Disney has just released the official trailer for Encanto. Following it's recent ventures such as Moana, Coco, and Raya and the Last Dragon, the story seeks to expand on another culture. The film will also feature original songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda with Coco composer Germaine Franco handling the score.
The film's title refers to the magical setting of the film, an enchanted town in the mountains of Colombia. Here, every child but one in their magical house has been granted a unique ability such as strength or healing powers. Mirabel (Voiced by Stephanie Beatriz) , the only ordinary child in the Madrigal family, discovers that the magic is under threat and she may be the only one able to save it. Check out the trailer below:
Encanto also features the voice of John Leguizamo. It is directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush, co-directed by Charise Castro Smith. Disney prepares you for another magical film about the power of family and finding your destiny!
Just what kids want. Woke cartoons.