Directed by Jamila Wignot, the upcoming documentary focusing on dancer, choreographer, director, and activist Alvin Ailey is meant to, more than anything, emphasize the influence of the man. Despite passing in 1989 at the age of 58, he left a decades-long legacy that inspired generations of dancers and also found the towering Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. The documentary will also go into his personal life (namely his mother's influence on him) and his incredibly private lifestyle as a closeted gay man. Following it's premiere at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival, the movie is set to land in theaters on July 23rd. The synopsis is as follows:
Many know the name Alvin Ailey, but how many know the man? Ailey’s commitment to searching for truth in movement resulted in pioneering and enduring choreography that centers on African American experiences. Director Jamila Wignot’s resonant biography grants artful access to the elusive visionary who founded one of the world’s most renowned dance companies, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.
Check out the official trailer for Ailey below:
Stay tuned
I've never heard of this guy and I can't imagine anybody wants to watch this.