When Morgan Creek Entertainment announced a year ago their plans for a reboot of William Friedkin’s iconic 1973 horror classic The Exorcist...well...the reactions were pretty much this:
The only thing that really helped was the announcement that director David Gordon Green, the director and co-writer behind 2018’s successful Halloween revival (and the two anticipated upcoming sequels), would be at the helm. However, today while speaking to Total Film (via GamesRadar), Green has actually confirmed that the film is not a reboot. Rather, it's a direct sequel (a la 2018's Halloween). In fact, unlike Green's Halloween film, the new sequel won't pretend the other films in the Exorcist series never happened while confirming the script for the new film is complete:
“The Exorcist has been written. That was one of my pandemic projects. It’s not inaccurate [that it will be a sequel to the original film]. I like all the Exorcist movies. And not only do I like them, I think they can all fall into the acceptable mythology for what I’m doing. It’s not like I’m saying, ‘Pretend that The Exorcist 2 never happened.’ That’s fine to exist. They’re all fine to exist, and I enjoy all of them.”
While Green didn't tease much more, beyond reassuring people the writing involved “a lot of research, rather than just impulsive screenwriting", this should hopefully ease some who were worried they were just going to outright remake the classic film. Blumhouse is co-producing the new film (just like they did the Halloween revival). Stay tuned!
Let me guess, the demon is played by a white male, the exorcist is a black woman and the child being possessed is an innocent Asian trasgender. Right?
Will suck.