Produced by Jackie Chan, Wish Dragon is a pretty classic concept. Din (Voiced by Jimmy Wong) is a working-class college student with big dreams but small means. When he meets Long (Voiced by John Cho), a cynical but all-powerful dragon capable of granting wishes, together they set off on a hilarious adventure through modern day Shanghai in pursuit of Din’s long-lost childhood friend, Lina (Played by Natasha Liu Bordizzo). And as they get a chance to wish for whatever they want, they are forced to question what matters in their lives. A simple story, but one that might entertain the kids and teach them a couple good lessons.
Today, the official trailer has been released. Check it out below:
Wish Dragon also features the voices of Constance Wu and Will Yun Lee. It is written and directed by Chris Appelhans, set to be released on Netflix on June 11th (following a theatrical release in China on January 15th).