Judd Apatow's 2009 film Funny People centers on an aging comedian, played by Adam Sandler, who deals with cancer and has to reevaluate his life. However, Apatow's initial hope was to simply deal with the story of a struggling comedian, based off his own experiences. Thus, the stand-up element was important to the story and that was why Sandler, Seth Rogen, and Jonah Hill not only wrote their own material for their stand-up routines, but Apatow also filmed them performing their routines in front of live audiences, using six cameras to capture their performances and audience reactions. While he did film their entire performances, although only five to ten minutes of stand-up footage appear in the film. But with these, along with footage shot for films in the fictional filmography of Sandler's character, Apatow adds a sense of realism to the story. Stay tuned!
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only five to ten minutes of stand-up footage appear in the film.
That, is why you fail
Tried to watch it a couple of times but couldn't continue...shame Sandler didn't make a sequel to Zohan...it was his best movie.