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Writer's pictureNicholas E. Lauer

Moss to Re-Team with Blumhouse for "Mrs. March"


Earlier this year, Elisabeth Moss had a hit in the form of The Invisible Man which was both a critical success and, being one of the last movies in theaters before the COVID-19 pandemic locked down theater chains, was a box office success ($133.7 million on a mere $7 million budget). The studio behind that film, Blumhouse, seemed to like the experience with Moss and have officially cast her in Mrs. March, an adaptation of the novel of the same name by author Virginia Feito which will be released next Summer. Jason Blum had this to say:

"Not only is Elisabeth one of the finest actors of her generation but she’s an unabashed fan of genre material and an incredible collaborator.”

The novel, and thus the movie adaptation, will follow an Upper East Side housewife who unravels when she begins to suspect the odious central character of her novelist husband’s latest bestselling work is based on her. Feito will pen the screenplay. Moss, Blum, and Lindsey McManus will produce.

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Aug 13, 2020

Her husband's books character is based on Glenn Close??

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