Following a teaser released at the beginning of this month, a full trailer has now been released for the upcoming revival of Leverage, titled Leverage: Redemption. The series sees the return of the team (sans Timothy Hutton) with Sophie Devereaux (Played by Gina Bellman), Parker (Played by Beth Riesgraf), Eliot Spencer (Played by Christian Kane), and Alec Hardison (Played by Aldis Hodge) all back for more. Noah Wyle (ER, Falling Skies) will be joining the cast as corporate lawyer Harry Wilson who joins the team to right the wrongs of his own past. The revival teases the heist team's cover, Leverage Consulting & Associates, has now grown into an international corporation known as Leverage International and has 12 active teams operating around the world. Which means, for the revival, a bigger and more global storyline: Check out the trailer below:
The first season will consist of sixteen episodes with the first eight available on July 9th while the latter eight episodes will launch in the Fall. Stay tuned!