We hope that perhaps when people are allowed to go back to work, our network's signal won't be so stretched thin. We apologize for the frequent crashes and the absent news days. We are resuming news today and will be updating within the hour. Our apologies once again. Stay tuned!
Oh well, could be an advantage sometimes, taking a break from Internet and reading a nice book instead.
@Rambo: That’s the fun part. It’s pretty much a dead zone where I live. To compensate, I have a special router that extends the signal of my phone through the WiFi. But without the WiFi, I can’t even use my phone’s hotspot. Before, I could just go to a library or a Starbucks to get some wireless of the network got down. Now, obviously I can’t do that.
Is it just WiFi or also your 4G? Maybe you can hotspot your phone.