Following it's highly successful debut last year, Part 2 of the French mystery thriller series Lupin is set to premiere the latter episodes of it's first season. The show's first five episodes introduced audiences to Assane Diop (Played by Omar Sy), a man inspired by the fictional thief Arsène Lupin. In Part 1, Assane began his quest to get revenge on the powerful Pellegrini family after its patriarch, Hubert, framed Assane's father for a crime that eventually led to his death. All the while, Assane must balance his revenge with his relationship with his son, Raoul. Part 1 ended on a cliffhanger, with Raoul kidnapped by Leonard, one of Pellegrini's henchmen.
Part 2 is set to premiere on Netflix sometime this summer though no official date has been given yet. However, some first look images have been released today. Check them out below:
Hopefully, Part 2 will give fans the epic conclusion they are anticipating. Stay tuned!