While originally called a poor knock-off of acclaimed shows like Breaking Bad, Ozark has slowly gained it's own following for it's intense tone and performances, following financial advisor Martin "Marty" Byrde who relocates his family from the Chicago suburb of Naperville to the remote summer resort community of Osage Beach, Missouri (in the Lake of the Ozarks region of the state) so as to create a money laundering scheme to make amends with the Mexican cartel. There, the family becomes entangled with local criminals and later the Kansas City Mafia. Now, the show looks to go out with a bang with it's fourth and final season set to premiere the first half of it's 14-episode run on January 21st on Netflix.
Today, the official trailer for Part 1 has been released. Check it out below:
Stay tuned!
RIP Sidney Poitier
if only all these modern woke actors were half as good as he was
Do like. Will binge watch.
An update! I thought this day will never come again.