Ahead of it's premiere on HBO Max next week on January 13th, a featurette has been released for the upcoming James Gunn series Peacemaker, a series continuation to Gunn's acclaimed 2021 DC film The Suicide Squad. The series will see the titular character (once again played by John Cena) returning to duty following his near-fatal death in the film. In the series, the show will both explore his origins while continuing focus on his subsequent missions as part of Project Butterfly. Today, a featurette dives into the talents of one of his teammates, NSA agent Emilia Harcourt (Played by Jennifer Holland) who was in The Suicide Squad. The featurette also teases a big fight between Harcourt and the character Judomaster. Check it out below:
Peacemaker will premiere its first three episodes on January 13th on HBO Max with the rest of the series set to be released weekly through February 17th. Stay tuned!
This is what they took from us
Has anyone seen John David Washington? Wasn't he supposed to be a big heat after Tenet? No? Anyone?
All right...